Healthy Recipe for Chicken Tortilla Soup
I have always loved to cook. I especially love to cook when the crock-pot does most of the work. My recipe for tortilla soup is one of our newest favorites. I am one of those people that will go big or…
I have always loved to cook. I especially love to cook when the crock-pot does most of the work. My recipe for tortilla soup is one of our newest favorites. I am one of those people that will go big or…
You can spot them from a mile away. If they aren’t fawning over each other’s details, they’re at each other’s throats. The bipolarity of the newlywed couple is probably more amusing than obnoxious. Especially if you’re an oldlywed, a marriage…
Newlyweds spend a lot of time dreaming about the future. We usually do it over coffee on our porch. Maybe it’s just us, but I don’t think it is. There’s something about getting married that makes you want to sort…
If you have any experience with jalapenos in the kitchen, you know that there are certain guidelines that you follow when you’re handling them. And if you have any experience with 25-year-old men, you know that they love jalapenos. And…
I would do you all a great injustice if I only wrote once the storm was calm. It’s easier to be reflective when conflict is in the past, but that’s not why I’m here. I’m here to sink beside you when…
You’ve heard me talk about my job history, and if you were paying attention, you know I’m currently working for a marketing agency. Actually, if you were paying real close attention, you knew I was an intern. All of that…
I am not sure if it’s cultural or maybe it’s always been this way, but brides have an enormous amount of pressure these days. About a week after I got engaged, I realized that I had a wedding to plan,…
If I were to write a post about how to treat your husband, “like a child” would not be at the top. As a matter of fact, you wouldn’t be able to find that particular phrase anywhere. Despite what late-night…
“There is a harmony in autumn, and a luster in its sky, which through the summer is not heard or seen, as if it could not be, as if it had not been!” -Percy Bysshe Shelley The arrival of Fall…
I recently submitted an essay for a contest, and I had to answer the question “Why do you love to sing?” Since I haven’t written a whole lot about my music on Wedshock, I wanted to share my essay with…