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The Blog

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Lifting the Veil on Closed Doors and True Intimacy

The Blog

All relationships require a level of honesty. The honest data that’s conveyed allows each person to conjure up a response and posture for one another. It’s this initial exchange of information that builds the foundation for any relationship. We find…

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My Wedding is Over, Now to Change My Name

The Blog

It hit me like a ton of bricks: My wedding is over. You’d expect this realization to be a sad one, but I was overjoyed. Not only was the stress of the day behind me, but my future with Zach…

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Two-Month Giveaway: Coffee Lovers Gift Basket

The Blog

Coffee is a sacred substance in our home. We don’t just drink coffee, we coffee. Yes, I’m using coffee as a verb, and yes I’m allowed. After we brew some of that brown magic, we sit together and enjoy the…

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My Last Semester in NYC and Some Cousin Love

The Blog

There are certain seasons in your life that you blow through without a second thought, and there are seasons that you must take one day at a time. Then there are people who just stop in, and others who make…

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Porch Cats, Big Cats, No Cats

The Blog

Where can I begin? My arms-length obsession with cats began one day on my way home from Kindergarten. A stray cat that my mom had been feeding, likely behind my father’s back, had kittens. Now if you’ve never interacted with…
